learn live, meet voice-, posture- and medical specialists, ask questions, exercise under guidance, perform,
get (side-) coached, meet other vocalists

Live Webinars

For both enrolled and not enrolled students.

Specialist interviews, themed webinars, Online Q&A’s, Master Classes.

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Free Lessons & Webinars

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Free Vocal Lessons

Join our free webinars and Q&A's. Learn about vocal technique, breath support, vocal health, piano accompaniment, Lax Vox, and more. Hosted by our teachers and specialists in the field, like ENT doctors, Lung Doctors, Belcanto teachers, Musical Theatre Performers, Alexander therapists, Breathing Specialists and Physical Therapists.

Free Tests & Quizzes

Want to know where you stand on vocal topics, like vocal technique, breathing, posture, breath support, et cetera? 
Take the opportunity to take our free tests and quizzes. They are really in-depth and you will certainly get many moments like "Oh, I did not know THAT"!